Mice and Men Relationships

George and Lennie have a very complicated relationship. though it is very complicated one way it connects to Candy and his relationship with his dog is that in both relationships they need each other for moral support. I mean that Lennie clearly needs George for guidance, though George does not necessarily need Lennie. George just continues to be by Lennie’s side for the moral support he shows. Lennie is just there for George when he needs him and supports George throughout their journey. This relationship is almost the same as Candy and his dog. Candy really loves his dog as we can see and does not want to let go quite yet because of that. From what we have heard that dog has been around for a long time and was “The best sheepdog” for Candy. How it relates to George and Lennie’s relationship is because even if the dog is not actively working he is still around for that moral support for Candy whenever he needs it.

Independent Book

The book I am currently reading is called Always A Catch and one thing I really enjoy about this book is the idea of the main character being known as the underdog because he had just joined the school wanting to play football, though he had never played before he chose to give it a shot and ultimately becomes one of the best players on the team. However, I do dislike a few things about this book one of them being the characters, other than the main character Jack everyone else is almost unknown. I think they could’ve involved more characters in the book to possibly make it more appealing to the readers.

One prediction I have for my book is that I believe the main character Jack will receive some sort of scholarship or something along those lines to play football because of how passionate they make him about the game.

One way my book connects to the Mice of Men is the relationship between George and Lennie. In this book, Jack Lefferts the main character makes a friend when he first gets to the school and immediately realizes that they will be friends forever and that’s pretty much the same thing that happened to George and Lennie.

What does it mean to belong?

What does it mean to belong? In my opinion “belong” means to fit somewhere where you want to be and feel comfortable. To belong means more than people think it’s not just hanging out with people that you know, it’s more of having a good time and feeling comfortable with who you are around. The word belong has more meaning behind it than being a part of a particular group. An example of bad belonging would be, let’s say a math teacher were to want to do something different one day and maybe join a gang or rob a bank or something, this is not the real him and not something he would do it just leads to bad actions that are not actually the real you and you just belong somewhere that’s more fitting for you like a school. Overall belonging is very important in this society because depression is a big thing in this day and age and “not belonging” plays a huge role in people feeling lonely.


Hysteria is shown throughout many shows and books to make them more exciting. Limetown uses hysteria quite a bit throughout episode five and it is used to the best of its ability. The main person who shows hysteria in this episode is Lia Haddock, Lia shows hysteria in many different ways, and with the job she has, she has to be a hysteric person. Lia shows hysteria throughout the whole episode in my opinion as well as the others. Lia always seems to be on her toes when interviewing survivors which is probably a good thing but also has its consequences. However, she is not the only one who shows hysteria in this episode because Deardra also shows a bit of hysteria. Deardra overall seems very calm about the whole situation with Max while talking to Lia, but she then says “She is normal somedays” which definitely creates that hysteria behind the scenes. Though Deardra shows minimal hysteria, Lia shows that hysteria is a real thing and can be bad if you are not careful. Overall Lia Haddock is the main character when it comes to hysteria so far because of her on-the-edge life and the risky missions she goes on to try to save Limetown.

Big Idea Independent Book

Big ideas are the main part of the book and most of the time most exciting. The book that I’ll be talking about is Always A Catch by Peter Richmond. I chose This book with an awesome big idea because it explains the main character well. Coming of age is one big idea in this book. I chose it because the main Character Jack Lefferts starts out as a boy coming to a new school not knowing anyone or anything around him, and this is one thing that really relates to me because I was once that kid who came to a new school and knew nothing about anything. However, as the book progresses, he turns into the man everyone knows him as. This starts with him wanting to join the football team. He was a pretty small guy compared to everyone at OakHurst Hall but still made the team. Jack being small compared to the rest of the school was also relatable because I’m for sure not the biggest. With him making the team, everyone had something to say to the small guy as “Hit the weights”, and “You’re tiny”. This gives that idea of coming of age because they are all hating on him therefore urging him to do what he has to do to stay a part of that team. Jack’s staying part of the team is a determination that a lot of people do not have to say the least, but I love to say I’m one of those people and that is why I chose this book and why it is now one of my favorites.

Human Innovation/Determination

Big Idea

Big ideas are the most important part of a book also known as setting it plays a big role in creating the book itself. The big idea I will be writing about is from a book called Always A Catch by Peter Richmond. This book has an exciting theme, it is about a boy named Jack Lefferts who has the urge to play football because he caught a football once and believed it was some sort of superpower because when he had caught the ball he said: ” Everything went slow motion, my hands created a diamond and it was a catch”. However, this ball was thrown by a couple of middle schoolers throwing the ball around and it happened to get out of hand and create his “catch” which makes him believe he is supernatural. Honestly, I think they could’ve done a better job with the big idea mainly because you don’t see much of it but that’s pretty much what makes him the football player he is. Although the big idea is not the greatest right now I believe it will develop throughout the book and the book will end up being phenomenal. In conclusion, the big idea of a story is one of the most important parts of a book if not the most, and should always make the reader feel some sort of determination to continue reading and enjoy the book.


Technology is a big part of today’s society. Technology also has a big impact on many people around the world. Though that may be true, how far is too far regarding technology? Technology is used in many different ways some being good and some being bad. It all depends on who you are and how you decide to use technology. This leads to the topic are humans too reliant on technology? The simple answer to this is yes, humans definitely rely on technology way more than needed. The reason for this is that it is just there for them to use and it keeps on getting better so why not right? Wrong, people use technology simply for that reason but also because a lot of people are growing up with it now and and don’t really know what to do without it.

Why should books be banned/challenged?

Why should books be challenged? Books should be challenged for many reasons, the first being race-related. People are bound to get mad over anything about race, this would be a good reason for a challenge. Though I believe racism is not a good thing most authors use words like that for emphasis and would only use it if it makes sense. if there was a book written and it was just a bunch of little kids being racist and doing random stuff it should be banned, on the other hand, if the book does a good job of explaining his reasoning behind the word and actually makes sense I feel there is no reason for the book to be challenged. Flight is a good example of the author using the words wisely because he does not have swear words all over, only when emphasis is needed. Personally, I don’t think books should be banned or challenged because there’s really no reason if you don’t like it, don’t read it. Unless it is something major like directed at someone or a group of people or like terrorism would be good reasoning for a ban, but overall I think if you do not like the book just don’t read it.

Zit’s desire to escape

Zits is a very regretful kid as portrayed. When he begins to be put in different bodies, he seems scared in some sense and lost in confusion. These emotions lead Zits to let them out most of the time because he does not necessarily know whats going on. In chapter ten, he says many things degrading himself as Gus like “I’m ashamed of myself”(Alexie 81) not because of what is going on in the moment but because he simply has the desire to escape. You can tell he has this desire because he continues throughout the book to circle back to the bank robbery a little bit, as in how this whole thing started. Another thing that Zits says “does god approve of some killing and not others?” (Alexie 95) This quote also gives the sense of the desire to escape because this applies to his bank robbery earlier in the story, his bank robbery was a totally unlawful way of killing people, but when he goes on to save the little Indian Boy by killing other it was more lawful then the bank robbery. Zits also usually says or has something happen toward the end of the chapter as in chapter thirteen “I realize it me screaming and weeping” (Alexie 105) This phrase gives the desire to escape in general because who wants to be screaming and weeping? Overall Zit’s desire to escape this loop is high because at the moment he seems to be completely trapped and nothing seems to be going his way.

What books shall be accessible to teens?

What books shall be accesible to teens? Any book should be available for anyone in my opinion, unless you’re in grade school and your parents don’t allow derogatory language. Other than that I believe anyone should be able to read any book because every book has its own purpose. All books give off some sort of impact in their own words, usually when you’re reading a book and it uses derogatory language it’s used as an emphasizer in some sense. Authors do not use this language to keep kids away from the book this is used to mainly get the point across and fully understand what is happening in the book. The same goes for adults, they most likely have heard swear words in their lifetime, if not already have read books with derogatory language. In concluscion books should be accessible to everyone in my opinion because even though books use swear words nine times out of ten there is good reasoning and meaning as to why the word was used.