Big Idea Independent Book

Big ideas are the main part of the book and most of the time most exciting. The book that I’ll be talking about is Always A Catch by Peter Richmond. I chose This book with an awesome big idea because it explains the main character well. Coming of age is one big idea in this book. I chose it because the main Character Jack Lefferts starts out as a boy coming to a new school not knowing anyone or anything around him, and this is one thing that really relates to me because I was once that kid who came to a new school and knew nothing about anything. However, as the book progresses, he turns into the man everyone knows him as. This starts with him wanting to join the football team. He was a pretty small guy compared to everyone at OakHurst Hall but still made the team. Jack being small compared to the rest of the school was also relatable because I’m for sure not the biggest. With him making the team, everyone had something to say to the small guy as “Hit the weights”, and “You’re tiny”. This gives that idea of coming of age because they are all hating on him therefore urging him to do what he has to do to stay a part of that team. Jack’s staying part of the team is a determination that a lot of people do not have to say the least, but I love to say I’m one of those people and that is why I chose this book and why it is now one of my favorites.

Human Innovation/Determination

2 thoughts on “Big Idea Independent Book

  1. I like how you give the whole story about the man gives some great background knowledge. I can relate my book with yours by saying the person in my book is a longer who does not make friends the one friend she does make does not exist. I like how you put the idea of coming of age matches really well with what you say is happening.

  2. You did a good job summarizing the part there that he was a new student who wanted to do foot ball, maybe you could explain a little more on what he did to come of age rather than saying he was determined. What did he do to be so determined/ what work did he put into being able to do food ball being smaller then the other kids? I like how you related to yourself in the book, this could lead other people who are new students to want to read the book knowing that it is something that they can relate to.

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